Friday, July 12, 2013

Wild for Animals! Drop-In Story Time, 7/12/13

 Wild for Animals! Drop-In Story Time, 7/12/13

Book: Kitty's Cuddles by Jane Cabrera
This book has traditionally  been well-received, and it was fairly well-received today. A little girl in the front row was in one of my Pre-K classes this past school year, and she kept jumping up in front and calling things out, as we often had lots of discussion during read-alouds in her class. It's too bad there weren't a few more kids her age to keep that vibe going. As it was, most of the other kids seemed uncomfortable with her outbursts.

Rhyme with Puppets: Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Where Have You Been?
This was a last-minute addition, but it went over so well! This version of the nursery rhyme sends the cat to the zoo where she sees a monkey, so I kept a monkey puppet hidden behind my back as I interviewed my cat puppet. Then I took the puppets off and showed the kids how to do the entire thing with just their bare hands. Huge success! 

Book: I Love Animals by Flora McDonnell
This book is pretty basic, and I chose it for that reason, as my audiences haven't been the most attentive lately. They weren't that into it, but they were quiet.

Song: Old MacDonald

Book: Are You a Cow? by Sandra Boynton
I knew there was a chance I'd ask the kids questions from this book and they wouldn't answer, and that is exactly what happened. So I just kept saying "noooo" and shaking my head in the silliest way possible. 

Magic Envelope: Cowboy 
We put a hat, boots, spurs, lasso, and horse in the envelope and pulled out a cowboy.

Rhyme: Cowboys All Dressed
I had a small daycare or preschool class, and they liked this rhyme, so we did it twice so they could learn it a little better. 

Song: Hands Up High 

Ukulele Medley: ABCs / Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / Baa Baa Black Sheep

Song: Mr. Sun

Song: Chickadee
We haven't done this song in so long, mostly because the last few times it didn't go over so well. This time, it was great, and a lot of the kids actually sang along!

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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