(Please excuse the glow on the photos. The lighting in my office is not conducive to great photos. But it does sort of make the unicorns look like they are emerging mysteriously from the mist!)
I saw five little unicorns - creatures from folklore.
I watched the blue one prance away and then there were four.
I watched the blue one prance away and then there were four.
I saw four little unicorns resting by a tree
I watched the orange one prance away, and then there were three.
I watched the orange one prance away, and then there were three.

I saw three little unicorns, but as near to them I drew,
The green one pranced away, and then there were two.
I saw two little unicorns - I watched them run and run.
The red one pranced away, and then there was one.

I saw a lonely purple unicorn standing in the sun.
When I blinked my eyes, it pranced away, and then there were none.
The green one pranced away, and then there were two.
I saw two little unicorns - I watched them run and run.
The red one pranced away, and then there was one.

I saw a lonely purple unicorn standing in the sun.
When I blinked my eyes, it pranced away, and then there were none.
What I was trying to capture in this rhyme is the elusive, magical nature of unicorns. I initially considered having the whole thing be a dream, but thought that was too much to take on in a rhyme for a mostly-toddler story time. I think I might consider writing another version for my older groups, though, because I think they are the ones most likely to be interested in and excited about unicorns. There is also potential for turning this rhyme into a simple easy reader for my beginning reader story time.
I made my unicorns using this clipart image from mycutegraphics.com. I printed five black and white copies, then colored them in with crayons. I made the entire flannel board set in less than 30 minutes, including printing, coloring, covering with Contact paper, and attaching Velcro.
For my other alphabet activities click here.
To visit the official Flannel Friday website, click here.
This week's round-up is hosted by Library Quine.
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