Here is my Community Helpers repertoire:
Opening song: Hello, How Are You?
Book: Kitten Red, Yellow, Blue by Peter Catalanotto (2005)
Each of Sophie's 16 calico kittens works with a different community helper. This book is very simple in its structure, which I usually like, but the two times I've read it, it hasn't made a big impression. I really like Catalanotto, though!
Rhyme: This is Dr. Bell
Song: Workers and Their Tools
This is a song I came up with, to the tune of the Wheels on the Bus, which shows how different workers might use their tools. It's not an extraordinarily brilliant song, but it got the kids to interact with me and with their parents. (The title is lame, though. Feel free to call it something else if you use it.)
Book: Firefighters: Speeding! Spraying! Saving! by Patricia Hubbell, illustrated by Viviana Garofoli (2007)
Little boys love firefighter books. This is a gentle look into their lives as brave heroes. Some people get stuck a burning building, but they are quickly rescued, and a happy ending ensues. The rhyming text isn't all that exciting, but we had a great time making siren sounds.
Song: Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck
I am pretty sure this originated on Barney, but I remember it from my last library job.
Book: Career Day by Anne Rockwell,illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell (2000)
A pre-K or kindergarten class invites a series of community helpers to speak about their careers. My favorite of the bunch today, and a hit with the one remaining child in the room when I read it.
Flannel Board Song: Who Are the People in your Neighborhood?
Goodbye Song: We Wave Goodbye Like This
This story time lasted approximately 22 minutes. I had more on the schedule, but decided to leave some of it out when most of my audience left.
Other books I considered reading at this story time include:
- Monday is One Day by Arthur Levine, illustrated by Julian Hector
- Meet My Neighbor, the Tae Kwon Do Master by Marc Crabtree
- Police: Hurrying! Helping! Saving! by Patricia Hubbell, illustrated by Viviana Garofoli