Two weeks ago, three families came to story time, but the one family that came to my first session couldn't make it, so I actually repeated some of the same material, and just changed a couple of books so my own kids wouldn't have to sit through the exact same thing a second time. Here's what we did:
Opening Song: Story Time is Starting, Clap Your Hands
Book: Early One Morning by Mem Fox, illustrated by Christine Davenier
As I did in the first session, I explained the premise of this book ahead of time so that the kids basically understood that we were looking for eggs. A few of the bigger kids could have gotten it without that assistance, but there were 4 toddlers, so it seemed worth explaining.
Song with puppets: When Cows Get Up in the Morning
We sang good morning to a cow, sheep, horse, and pig. I let the kids supply the animal sounds themselves.

Book: Catch That Chicken! by Atinuke, illustrated by Angela Brooksbank
This was a fun one that I threw in for the four and five year olds, and they really enjoyed it.
Song: 5 Little Chicks
Everyone knows this as 5 Little Ducks, and it was hard to remember not to sing ducks instead of chicks. Still a fun song for this theme, though.

Book: Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsy Lewin
The kids chimed in beautifully on the refrain for this one. My son who loves pigs kept saying "piggy" on every page despite there not being any pigs.
Song: Milkshake Song
My two big girls helped to lead this song, and the kids all got into it.

Book: To Market To Market by Anne Miranda, illustrated by Janet Stevens
This book about animal misbehavior got a lot of good laughs.
We sang goodnight to all the animal puppets and put them to bed.
After story time, the kids played with blocks and dress-up clothes.