I am just finishing up a month of reviewing nothing but picture book biographies, so I haven't reviewed much of anything for beginning readers, but many others have picked up my slack. Here are the easy reader and chapter book reviews I collected from around the blogs during April.
Easy Readers
I didn't find too many easy reader reviews this month, but there are some new and old favorites among the ones I did collect.
Step Up Readers reviewed four easy reader books this month: Dance, Dance Underpants, Splash, Amelia Bedelia By the Yard and Get a Hit, Mo!

Becky's Book Reviews highlighted two classic picture books in easy reader format, Best Friends for Frances and A Bargain for Frances.
Finally, Provo Library Children's Book Reviews had posts about Freckleface Strawberry: Loose Tooth! and Big Cat.
Chapter Books
There was a lot of variety among chapter book reviews this month.
Jean Little Library and Flying Off My Bookshelf had a total of 6 posts about chapter books:
- Bea Garcia: My Life in Pictures
- Lola Levine is Not Mean
- Magical Animal Adoption Agency: The Enchanted Egg
- Digby O'Day and the Great Diamond Robbery
- The Ice Cream Kid: Brain Freeze!
- Rocket and Groot Stranded on Planet Strip Mall
Ms. Yingling Reads reviewed the third Syvlie Scruggs book, The Spelling Bee Scuffle, as well as the new Hardy Boys chapter book, The Video Game Bandit and the first two books in the Dr. Kitty Cat series.
Kids Book a Day also had three reviews: Weekends with Max and His Dad, Noodlehead Nightmares, and Fluffy Strikes Back. Weekends with Max and His Dad was also featured at Librarian's Quest.
Other chapter book reviews from this month included:
- Eva and the New Owl, reviewed by Becky's Book Reviews
- Jasper John Dooley, Public Library Enemy #1, reviewed by Mom Read It
- A Complicated Case, reviewed by Waking Brain Cells
- The Sword in the Tree, reviewed by Story Time Secrets
- Olive and Beatrix: The Not-So-Itty Bitty Spiders, reviewed by From Tots to Teens