Saturday, July 27, 2013

Imagination Toddler Lap Time, 7/26/13

Imagination Toddler Lap Time, 7/26/13

I really  think we should have stopped offering this story time at the beginning of the summer, as it is a weekly struggle to get an audience. Two kids and their moms came this week, but they were friends who knew each other, and I could tell they were annoyed at coming to a story time that was basically just like all their normal play dates. When we make changes to our schedule at the end of August, this story time will not continue. 

Book: I'm Going on a Dragon Hunt by Maurice Jones
I wasn't sure how they would like this book, but they seemed really drawn to it, and the little boy got really excited and pointed when the dragon appeared.

Song with Puppet: My Mother's a Dragon
I was afraid the puppet might seem scary, so I let the kids see me put it on my hand and pointed out how silly he looked, rather than scary.  I also allowed both kids to pet the dragon after we sang the song.

Book: My Garden by Kevin Henkes
The kids were not as into this book, but the moms liked it.

Flannel Board Rhyme: My Garden
The kids really liked this. They didn't really know how to count yet, but the fun of it was really just looking at the flowers as I put them up and took them down.  

The kids liked this book, especially the pages about the red crocodile and the pink rabbit. 

Song with Puppet: Mr. Sun

Activities with Flowers: 

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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