Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baby/Toddler Lap Time, 4/6/12

EDIT: I was looking at the calendar right before I made this post, and thinking about my schedule on April 13 - which is why the title of this post had the incorrect date! It's fixed now.

The adult behavior at this story time was so utterly atrocious, it has taken me more than 24 hours to calm down enough to even blog about it. It took every bit of energy I had not to just drop everything and walk out of the room. I rarely stop reading to ask parents to be quiet. We make a "quiet sound" as a group at least once a session, but I actually had to says the words, "All the grown-ups in the room need to stop talking. It is way too noisy." And even then, they kept right on. Several of them also allowed their kids to grab me, pull my stuff from the flannel board, and generally climb all over the room. I don't think I let it show too much that I was starting to lose it, but I am already dreading next week's session. It takes a lot out of me to just sit there and smile and sing while they're being so disrespectful. But maybe it's good for building character?

In any case, despite the difficulties of the audience, I do like this repertoire.

Opening Song: Hello, how are you?

Rhyme: This is Big, Big, Big

Rhyme: Dance Your Fingers 

Flannel Board Rhyme: Let's Make a Noise 

Book: Mommies Say Shhh! by Patricia Polacco (2007)
The irony of reading this book to this group is not lost on me, but I'm still too angry to find it funny.

Song: I'm a Little Teapot

Song: Head and Shoulders

Right here is where I lost the group. I am still trying to figure out why the adults start talking the second I start to sing. This is why I'm afraid to start playing my ukulele at story time. If they talk through that, I will take it personally.

Song with Popsicle Stick Puppets: One Little, Two Little, Three Little Toes
I printed out some clip art feet so we could count toes. It was not a hit. The adults couldn't tell they were toes! 

Book: Busy Toes by C.W. Bowie (2000)
I like this book, but a little girl in the front row - probably a 6-year-old - heckled me through the entire thing. "That's dumb!" "Read a different book." Etc. Nice.

Song: Where is Big Toe?
This was great. It was a brief respite from the storm.

Book: Meeow and the Little Chairs by Sebastien Braun
I love Meeow. This isn't as good as Meeow and the Pots and Pans, but it has just enough of a story to keep adults interested while also engaging toddlers. Note: I never read three books, but I tried it this time because it's working so well for my colleague who does one of the Tuesday morning story times. I can't figure out why they will sit through three with her, but with me, they can't make it through one.

Flannel Board Song: Oh, Yellow Flower 
I love singing this.  I hope it catches on. 

Song: If You're Happy and You Know It
I was not happy and I knew it by this point, but I kept my cool and just kept smiling. That's sometimes all you can do.

Song: You Are My Sunshine

Goodbye Song: We Wave Goodbye Like This

1 comment :

  1. I've had the same problem at all my storytimes - baby through pre-k, of parents talking to each other, reading mags, generally ignoring me and their kids. I've recently started each storytime with a reminder to parents that its important to model behavior, interact, etc, and stress that there is time to socialize at the end. At the end I make sure to compliment them on doing a good job. Seems silly, needing to treat them like their children. But it's working!


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