Friday, March 21, 2014

Flannel Friday: Rockabye, Baby (Animals)


I spend a lot of time singing to Little Miss Muffet, who is now (unbelievably!) almost 4 months old. Typically, I will start out with a traditional song, but often by the fourth or fifth time through, I start changing the words. One night, while singing her to sleep, I heard myself come out with, "Rock-a-bye, monkey in the treetop." That was pretty cute, I thought, so I plugged in a few other two-syllable animals. By the time the baby was asleep, I had been inspired to create a new flannel board.

For the sake of this post, I chose animals for whom I could find easily recognizable silhouettes, and  whose names would fit the rhythm of the song. I would still like to find a cleaner silhouette of a cradle, but the blue one pictured will do for now.

Rock-a-bye, kitten...

Rock-a-bye, piglet...

Rock-a-bye, puppy...

Rock-a-bye, rabbit...

This adaptation of the familiar lullaby would make a nice ending to an evening pajama story time, or  to any story time about animals. 

I am your host for Flannel Friday this week! Leave your links in the comments on the placeholder post and check back for the round-up on Saturday morning.

For more about Flannel Friday, check out the official website, Facebook page, and Pinterest account.

1 comment :

  1. That is hilarious! So glad you remembered your sleepy inspiration!


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