
Monday, September 30, 2013

Rainbow Drop-In Story Time, 9/27/13

 Rainbow Drop-In Story Time, 9/27/13

Friday morning's session was my last drop-in story time before my resignation goes into effect on October 4. Though I am excited for my next chapter in life as a stay at home mom, it was still bittersweet to realize I was doing all of these familiar things for the last time. The theme was colors, and to keep the kids interested, I hid each book behind its corresponding color until it was time to read. Maybe it was because they knew it was my last one, but this group was respectful and quiet, and  they actually listened to every book and participated in every song and rhyme. I'm glad to have ended on such a high note.

Song with ukulele: I Can Sing a Rainbow  
I practiced and practiced this song, but then got nervous and didn't perform it as well as I would have liked. Still, I am proud of myself for trying since it was probably the most complicated song I've tried playing in story time, and it was my last chance to give it a shot!

Book: The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood
I have had mixed results with this book over the years, but today it ended up being a great choice. 

Song: Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon
I have always liked this song, and the kids got really into the motions. 

Book: Little Green by Keith Baker
I wasn't sure about this book, but I decided to try it and I was glad I did. This seemed to be the book with which the kids were most engaged.

Song with Puppet: I’m a Little Green Frog 
I almost forgot the words to this song, but once I got started, they just kind of came back to me. This is the advantage of doing story time multiple times a week for three years  - some things become second nature!

Book: Have You Seen My New Blue Socks? by Eve Bunting
This book seemed longer than it actually is, which is never a good sign. No one seemed to like it that much, even though I put as much personality into the reading as possible. It's not a good a story time book as I guessed.

Rhyme: Blue is the Lake

Book: This is NOT a Pumpkin by Bob Staake
Since I won't be here for Halloween, I wanted to sneak in just one favorite pumpkin book. I originally intended to tell it with a prop, but decided against it when I realized I had taken all my flannel board pieces home and didn't want to bring just one item back. No one seemed to get the punchline, which was too bad, because they were all paying attention and it usually gets a big laugh. Maybe it's just too early for jack o'lanterns. 

Song with Puppet: Mr. Sun 
This has kind of become my signature song. I will miss the sun puppet - hopefully, I'll be able to buy or make one of my own! 

Song: The Wheels on the Bus

Song: ABCs / Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / Baa Baa Black Sheep

Song: If You're Happy and You Know It

Song: Chickadee
I asked the group to sing this with me because it's one of my favorite story time songs. No one was that into it, which was a disappointment, but I couldn't resist singing it one last time. 

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.