
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Concepts: Opposites Baby Lap Time, 5/9/13

Concepts: Opposites Baby Lap Time, 5/9/13  

We overbooked a little bit and ended up with a huge group this morning, but despite the chaos, it was one of the best sessions ever! 
Book: Big Little by Leslie Patricelli
I rarely read two books by the same author in a single session, but no one does opposite board books better than Leslie Patricelli! We had a great time with this book - the parents got a lot of laughs and the babies seemed mesmerized. 

Rhyme: This is Big, Big, Big 
For this one, I encouraged the parents to make the motions where baby could see them instead of trying to have their little infant arms make all the motions  themselves. That seemed to work well.

Song: Go In and Out the Window 
I have always known this song as a complicated song involving large groups and specific instructions. But when I found a version of it online the other day, I was inspired to adapt it for babies. For the first verse ("go in and out the window") we rocked forward and backward with babies (and in my case, a sock monkey) in our laps. For the second, we lifted our babies/monkey up into the air and slowly brought them back down. It was hugely successful, and it's my new favorite baby activity!

Song: Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon 
I love it when songs accidentally fit the theme. I often use this as a bounce, and the up and down motion made it perfect for this story time! 

Song: Tony Chestnut

Book: Quiet Loud by Leslie Patricelli
As I always do when I read this book, I asked  the adults to make a "shhh" sound following each quiet page. What they also did, unprompted, was make all the loud noises, too! It was great!

Flannel Board: Let’s Make a Noise

Song: Row Row Row Your Boat
Song: ABCs
My new routine when I don't use the ukulele is to tap my knees the first time through, and clap my hands the second time through. 

Rhyme:  One Two

Song: All the Little Babies 

Song with Puppets: Did You Ever See...?

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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