
Friday, May 3, 2013

Builders and Diggers Toddler Lap Time, 5/2/13

Builders and Diggers Toddler Lap Time, 5/2/13

 Book: I Love Tools by Philemon Sturges
I couldn't tell whether the group liked this one. One boy definitely talked to me through the entire thing, but possibly not in English, so I'm not sure what he was excited about!

Song: Construction Worker Song
This song has the same tune as the hello song I use with this group which made it seem kind of weird this early in story time, but probably only to my perfectionist librarian brain. There was one mom who kept looking at me expectantly through the whole song, but she was a newbie, so it could be that she was just trying to follow me. The kids did a great job making the motions - even better than  I expected with a brand-new song!

Book: The Construction Crew by Lynn Meltzer
This was a last-minute addition, and the rhyming was good, but the length of the book was a bit much. I might put this one first in the afternoon session.

Flannel Board: Down Around the Corner at the Hardware Store
I don't understand why the adults don't get more into this. It has rhythmic, repetitive text and the kids love counting the wrenches and people and they all come up to the front to get closer to the board. The adults, though, look at me blankly like they can't figure out what I'm trying to do!

Book: Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
I like this book because it introduces a lot of good vocabulary, but I don't like it because some of the words have very little to do with construction. The kids were interested in the illustrations - I couldn't tell how much they actually got out of it.

Song: ABCs
We sang this twice - the first time, we tapped our knees, and the second time, we clapped our hands.

Song: Hands Up High
We have been doing this song every week, and the kids are getting really good at following me and making the motions.

Songs with Foam Butterflies:
I bought foam butterflies at Michael's over the weekend, and used them with some old familiar songs we have done before. Next time, I might switch out Fly Like a Butterfly for the Butterfly verse of I'm a Little Bumblebee.
Song with Puppet: Mr. Sun

Song: Row Your Boat

Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.


  1. Where can I find the flannelboard Down Around the Corner at the Hardware Store. My "kids" really dig fb's especially when they get to play with them during free play. I'd love to make this one.

    1. Hi, Heather! Down Around the Corner is a rhyme that can be used with almost any kind of store. I originally learned of it from Melissa Depper at Mel's Desk. Here is the link:

      I use the alternative version she mentions at the bottom, with the "store" instead of the "shop."
