
Monday, April 29, 2013

Yummy in my Tummy Toddler Lap Time, 4/25/13

Yummy in my Tummy Toddler Lap Time, 4/25/13

Book: Build a Burrito by Denise Vega
This book is just the right length for this age group, and the kids always like it. 

Flannel Board Song: We Eat... (based on We Eat Turkey)

We eat pizza, we eat pizza
Oh so good, oh so good.
Yummy yummy pizza! Yummy yummy pizza!
All gone! All gone!

The kids loved this! "All gone" is a familiar phrase that even the littlest ones knew, and they were thrilled to tell me everything was gone when the board was empty at the end of the song.

Rhyme: Mix a Pancake
This went over better in this smaller group than it did last time in the large drop-in story time. The kids like to do the mixing motion. 

Book: I Like Vegetables by Lorena Siminovich
I have never used one of these books with toddlers before, but it was a huge success! The kids knew the names of the vegetables and happily called them out! 

Rhyme: Fingers
I just rediscovered this rhyme - I'll probably use it for the next few weeks. 

Book: Sam’s Cookie by Barbro Lindgren
This is a simple story about a boy whose dog steals his cookie. The kids responded really well to it, even though the illustrations were a bit small for the size of the group. 

Rhyme: Way Up High in the Apple Tree

Song: Hands Up High

Songs with Shaker Eggs:
Song: I'm a Little Teapot

Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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