
Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Animals Toddler Lap Time, 4/11/13

Spring Animals Toddler Lap Time, 4/11/13
(What you see on the wall behind the flannel board in this photo is part of a diagram of the water cycle that my amazing colleague drew for her Explorers' Club program.)

Song: Way Up in the Sky
We are now doing this song at basically every session, and almost all the kids know the motions, even toddlers I might have thought were too young. It's my new favorite.

Book: Who’s Awake in Springtime? by Phillis Gershator
This book is... just not good. It doesn't make sense and the ending is confusing.

Flannel Board Rhyme: Hippety Hop Hippety Hay

Flannel Board Song: Mary Had a Little Lamb (with different-colored lambs)

Book: Flip, Flap, Fly by Phyllis Root
I still love this book - we'll use it again in the afternoon session.

Song with Puppets: Did you ever see...?
We sang about the ladybug, bumblebee, and butterfly.

Song: Hands Up High

Song: Head and Shoulders

Songs and Rhymes with Shaker Eggs
Song with Puppet: Mr. Sun

Song: If You're Happy and You Know It

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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