
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Up, Up, and Away! Drop-In Story Time, 3/5/13

Up, Up, and Away! Drop-In Story Time, 3/5/13

This week's theme started out as a wind and kites theme and then expanded to a general theme about things that go up in the air. Today, we focused mostly on space. (Also - despite the fact that it's still Winter and snow is heading my way, I have traditionally considered March the start of Spring as far as story time is concerned, so I'm calling this the first story time of Spring, as reflected in the tags of this post.)

Song: Way Up in the Sky
This was a great opening song - the adults loved it and many of the kids - even little toddlers -  did all the motions with me.

Book: Higher Higher by Leslie Patricelli 
I tried to get the group to repeat the refrain with me, but they just didn't quite catch on. 

Song: Moon Moon Moon

Song: Here We Go Up Up Up

Book: I Want to be An Astronaut by Byron Barton
This book went over better than it ever has before. I didn't see or hear a lot of specific reactions from kids, but the room also wasn't filled with chatting adults and crying babies, so I think that's a sign they were listening.

Song with Flannel Board and Ukulele: Aikendrum 
I couldn't find two of anything to be Aikendrum's eyes (my food flannel board file is getting pretty full) so I just used the first two round things I  could yank out, which turned out to be an orange and a tomato 

Letter of the Day: H
Songs with Ukulele: ABCs / London Bridge / Row Your Boat 
This is a new medley I tried for the first time. It's nice to have some variety now and then!

Rhyme: Blue is the Lake

Rhyme: This is Big, Big, Big

Song: Sing a Happy Song

Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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