
Friday, January 11, 2013

Welcome to Winter! Toddler Lap Time, 1/10/13 & 1/11/13

When I first started doing this story time, it felt like an out of control mess almost all the time. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I wanted to approach it in 2013, and these two sessions are proof that I made good decisions. These were great story times, with great groups, and I can't wait to see where we go from here!

 Welcome to Winter! Toddler Lap Time, 1/10/13 & 1/11/13

Song: It's Wintertime, You Know 
I found this song at Mel's Desk and printed out clipart to go with it. (I initially wanted to use photos, but our color copier has been down all week and clipart is best when it has to be black and white.) instead of Melissa's "We will have some snow," I sang "We might have some snow" because that is more accurate for this region. 

Book: Red Sled by Lita Judge
I was very nervous about sharing a mostly wordless book, but this one worked its magic on kids and adults in both sessions. It went over slightly better today than yesterday, possibly because I felt more comfortable with it the second time around.

Song: Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Sled

Song: I’m a Little Teapot

Song: Shake My Sillies Out

Song: Sing a Happy Song 

Book: Oh! by Kevin Henkes
This is so awkward to read aloud, but it seemed to go over better today than yesterday. One little guy loved the page where the children "jump jump jump" - he didn't want me to keep going because he was so attached to that page!

Flannel Board Song: A Hat Goes on my Head 
Toddlers really like this one. The parents were great about helping them find the right place to wear a hat, boots, snowpants, gloves, and a scarf. 

Rhyme: Snowflakes Falling Down (Thursday only)
I misread my setlist and basically just forgot this rhyme altogether in today's session. It was a good one yesterday, though - simple enough for this age group for sure. 

Book: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle

Song: Dance Like Snowflakes
For this one, I handed out snowflakes to every child - each child got one yesterday and two today. The parents loved that there was something for the kids to hold onto, and the kids loved crumpling them up and shaking them around. 

Song: There’s a Snowflake on My Head
This song is kind of chaotic, but enough of the kids seemed into it that I'd do something similar again. 

Song: If You Have a Snowflake... 
This is a simple song to the tune of Mary Wore Her Red Dress that I used to help us clean up. (If you have a snowflake... bring it up to me.) Yesterday, I tried to have them bring the snowflakes up by color - today we just all brought them up at once.

Song: One Little Finger
This was an old favorite of mine from when I first started singing all my songs without recordings. It was a hit as always.

Song: If You’re Happy

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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