
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here We Go! Baby Lap Time, 1/24/13

 Here We Go! Baby Lap Time, 1/24/13 
I'm still getting a handle on this story time. The regulars so far are very reserved moms who smile shyly from their seats but seem reluctant to participate. Many of them approach me individually and say they love the activities, so I know they're into it, but the vibe during the story time is so far one of awkwardness. This will probably change as their babies get a bit older (many are 2-3 months right now!) and they learn the songs I repeat each week. 

Rhyme: Cheek Chin

Book: Boats by Byron Barton

Song: Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Song: Tony Chestnut

Song: Head and Shoulders, Baby

Song: All the Little Babies

Red Truck, Yellow Bus by Scholastic Inc.

Song: The Wheels on the Bus

Rhyme: I’m a Little Bumblebee

Song: Where is Big Toe?

Rhyme: Mother and Father and Uncle John

Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle 

Song: The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It

Edited to add: We also read Truck Duck by Michael Rex, but I'm not sure where it fell in the line-up.

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.


  1. How do you use the puppets? I have lots of puppets and struggle to figure out a good way to use them in storytime. I actually have those exact insect puppets in your picture...

    1. I really only use these puppets with one particular rhyme - I'm a Little Bumblebee. (

      I basically just put the puppet on my hand and show it to the kids, then when I get to the part in the rhyme where it flies away, I lift it up over my head and encourage the parents to lift the babies up at the same time. It works less well with toddlers, but babies get a kick out of seeing the bugs fly up and away.

      With the ladybug, I also do a rhyme where I put the ladybug on my arm, knee, head, and nose. The text is here:

      And sometimes I'll just put the puppet on my hand and wave it around while I sing.

      I sing this bumblebee song to the tune of Head, Shoulders , Knees, and Toes:

      There's also this butterfly song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:

      Hope you can use some of those ideas! I am not a great puppeteer at all, and I never do voices or have the puppets speak or anything. I basically just use them as a visual aide for songs and rhymes that don't have hand motions.

  2. Does the book Red Truck Yellow Bus have a little animal to find on each page like some of the other Rookie Toddler books? My son loves those!
