
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Drop-In Story Time, 12/18/12

This was not a great story time. It was fine,  but it didn't have that magic component where everyone is engaged and it feels like a success. I think the holidays have everyone wired and ready for a break. In any case, we read some new books and tackled the letter Q!

Book: Parade Day by Bob Barner

Flannel Board Song: Twelve Months Song

Book: 1-2-3 Peas by Keith Baker

Rhyme: Five Fat Peas 

Book: Yawn by Sally Symes, illustrated by Nick Sharratt
This book is the main reason I know this session was kind of off. This is a perfect toddler story time book, which they would have loved at almost any other time. They were just too distracted this week.

Song: Monkeys on the Bed

Song: I’m a little Teapot

Letter of the Day: Letter Q
  • Song: Five Little Ducks (Quack is the q word here.)
  • Flannel Board: Down Around the Corner... (The q word was quarter. I used my balloon pieces and pretended to sell each one for a quarter. The kids all wanted to "help" me, and it was the most popular part of the whole story time.)
  • Song: What begins with Q? (I printed out these images and mounted them on construction paper, then we sang to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell. I don't think anyone liked it.)
    • Queen
    • Quilt
    • Question
    • Quail
    • Quarterback

Song: ABCs / Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / Baa Baa Black Sheep

Song: Here We Go Up Up Up

Song: This is the way we Clap Our Hands

Song: Rum Sum Sum

Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It

I use the same hello and goodbye songs at almost every session. Click here for the tunes and words. For descriptions of each of my story times, click here.

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