
Monday, May 16, 2016

Bout of Books Progress Day 7 / Final Wrap-Up Post

Bout of Books
Another Bout of Books has come to an end! On day 7, I finished two books:
  • Friendly Gables by Hilda van Stockum (vintage MG)
  • The Wonderful Year by Nancy Barnes (vintage MG)
I also read about half of Howl's Moving Castle, but decided to sleep rather than try to rush through the rest of it.

My final reading total for the bout was 30 books, which is 6 more than I originally planned. I did not, however, complete all of my specific goals. Here they are again, with notes on what I did and did not accomplish:  

  • Read three titles for Fumbling Through Fantasy.
    I read one (The Gammage Cup) and a half (Howl's Moving Castle). I take a really long time to read fantasy, so I sort of had a feeling I might not accomplish this goal anyway.  
  • Read one Old School Sunday title.
    I ended up reading five of these. They were more interesting than the fantasy titles, and I always have a backlog so they were readily available. 
  • Read my 1960s and 1970s titles for Newbery Through the Decades.
    Read both (The Gammage Cup for the 60s, Summer of the Swans for the 70s.) I also read my 80s title (On My Honor). 
  • Read ARCs for middle grade books coming out in June and July.
    I ended up reading all of these except Lucky Strikes, which for some reason I didn't realize was YA until now. I've decided not to read it at all. 
  • Read ARCs of chapter books coming out in June and July.
    I read all of these. 
  • Read all the YA ARCs I currently have.
    There are two I didn't get to: Summer Days & Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories and It's Not Me, It's You.
I'm looking forward to writing all my reviews over the next three months so I can be ready for another round of intense reading when the August Bout of Books comes around! 

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