
Friday, January 8, 2016

Bout of Books Progress Day 4

Bout of Books

Day 4 was practically a read-a-thon unto itself! I read twice as many books as the day before. Here are the 8 titles that I finished yesterday:
I was really hoping to clear my entire backlog of ARCs this week, but I'm running out of steam. I also haven't written reviews for any of these books, and writing all of them seems like a daunting task already. I may need to take tonight's reading time and devote it to reviews instead, just so I don't fall too far behind and forget everything I've read. But I hope to have at least a couple of books read to report tomorrow! 


  1. Wow it looks like you got through a lot of reading! Good luck on the challenge!

  2. Hope CODY gave you a chuckle in the midst of your bout! Thanks for giving my new book a look, Katie!
