
Friday, June 19, 2015

48 Hour Book Challenge: Starting Line

This morning begins the tenth annual 48 Hour Book Challenge hosted by Mother Reader. I have never participated before, but decided to give it a try this year, as my to-read pile is out of control and I'm trying to get ahead on reviews so I can schedule them before the new baby comes this Fall. My challenge begins now, at approximately 8:15 a.m. on Friday, so it will end on Sunday morning at 8:15. While I think it would be wonderful to get in 24 hours of reading during this time period, I think that is going to be a stretch with a toddler, so I'm probably looking at a more realistic goal of 18 hours. We'll see how it goes. I don't have any playdates or anything else scheduled today or tomorrow, so perhaps I will read more than I think is possible right now.

I'll be checking in periodically today and tomorrow to report on my progress. Now I'm off to start my first book of the day!


  1. When I was pregnant with my younger daughter I was so sick that I read the entire Lord of the Rings series. Couldn't muster energy to get other books. It was bleak! You have a much better selection, and hopefully feel much better! And now, my daughters provide food when I am reading, so consider that you are working on future helper!

  2. It's hard to do anything with a toddler other than follow him/her around and make sure he/she doesn't destroy anything, including him/her.I admire you for participating! Good luck!

  3. I would take books on walks with my toddlers, because sometimes I couldn't sustain fifteen minutes of interest in an ant hill, but if I had my book I didn't mind standing about while they investigated it. But the books couldn't be TOO good, because I had to keep an eye out while reading. Luckily I never did come home without them :-)
