
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mommy Librarian's Story Time Secret #5: Sing Story Time Songs at Home

First I was a children’s librarian. Then I became a mom. As I attend story times with my daughter, I have started to make a list of hints that might be helpful to story time performers and/or story time attendees. Today’s hint is for the parents and caregivers who bring kids to story time: Sing story time songs at home!

Here's why you should sing story time songs at home:
  • Kids learn by repetition. Hearing the songs just a couple of times at story time is a good start, but they'll need to hear them again and again to fully absorb the tune, lyrics, and meaning.
  • Sometimes kids - especially babies - are distracted or overwhelmed by the unfamiliar environment and group of kids at story time, so they don't get a chance to participate fully. At home, in a comfortable and familiar place, they might react much differently to a song that didn't seem to interest them at all at the library. 
  • Singing is a great way to promote language skills, and especially to help your child hear the smaller sounds within words. 
  • You'll be able to participate better at story time. If you "practice" the songs at home, you can sing along with your librarian at the next story time session. (Trust me, she'll thank you!) 
  • It's fun! My daughter loves listening to me sing, and she makes it fun for me by dancing and giggling along. Even if you feel like you have a lousy singing voice, don't hesitate to share it with your child. He or she truly doesn't care whether you can carry a tune.
Do you sing story time songs with your kids at home? What are some of your favorites?

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