
Friday, March 29, 2013

How To Follow My Blog Without Google Reader

Google Reader has entered the three-month sunset period that will end with its retirement on July 1, 2013. As we all scramble to find our next feed reader - or a new, non-RSS alternative - I want to share with my readers all the methods you can use to subscribe to my posts.

  • Email
    Click here or on the "subscribe via email" link in the sidebar to get each of my posts delivered directly to your inbox. With my current blogging schedule, this would be about 4 emails a week, on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Twitter
    Except for a brief lapse for most of this month, due to a technical error I had not realized I made, all my blog posts here and at Story Time Secrets are automatically tweeted, with links, to my Twitter account, @sharingsoda. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll never miss a post! 
  • Facebook
    I update the Facebook page for this blog every time I make a new post. If you like my blog on Facebook, these posts should turn up in your news feed. 
  • Pinterest
    I pin reviews from this blog to my Pinterest board, entitled Books Reviewed (2013). This does not update in  real time, but I try to pin new posts at least once a week. 
  • Goodreads
    I link to all my reviews on my Goodreads account. Again, these updates are done manually and not in real time, but if you are my friend on Goodreads, you will see these links in your recent activity when you log in. 
  • Feedly
    This is by no means the only way to follow RSS feeds, but for now, it's the one I've chosen. Though some blogs I follow look garbled and strangely formatted in Feedly, mine actually looks pretty good, and if you're undecided about where to move your feeds, I'd recommend checking it out. In any case, regardless of which feed reader you use, the link to my feed is:
For more alternatives to Google Reader, check out this post. Thanks for reading and following this blog! If you missed it, click here to read yesterday's Carnival of Children's Literature. Check back on Sunday for a new Old School post. 

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