
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Here Come the Dinosaurs! (After School Story Time), 9/25/12

Last school year, I offered an after school read-aloud and craft every Thursday. This year, due to staffing changes, I have to be on the children's desk almost every afternoon during the school-age rush. Therefore, I can't offer regular programming for the after school crowd because I have to be available to answer questions and help with homework. Thankfully, though, I was able to squeeze in a dinosaur-themed program for the month of September. It didn't attract the intended age group, which was a disappointment, but I tried! And I plan to try again with a more engaging "big kid" theme in October.

(During this portion of the program, two kids were in the room - both four-year-olds who regularly attend preschool story time. I had other books in mind, but read these instead when I noticed how young my audience was.)

If the Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most
This was the favorite, because of the list of dinosaurs and their pictures at the back of the book. The two girls in attendance asked me to name every one, and they were practically in my lap trying to get a look at them. 

When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach, illustrated by David Small
It's hard to tell whether they thought this book was funny, but they sat and stared at it, so it must have been interesting at least!

T. Rex by Vivan French
They seemed startled by this book, but neither was truly upset.

(During this portion of the program, there were ten kids in the  room. Everyone brought in their babies and toddlers and plopped them down in front of  the screen. *sigh*)

We watched two stories on this DVD - Danny and the Dinosaur and T is for Terrible.

Write and Draw Activity: 

I created this activity myself in Microsoft Word, using clipart for the dotted lines. Click here to download a .pdf for your own use.

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