
Friday, September 28, 2012

Outreach Round-up, 9/19/12 - 9/28/12

I haven't done one of our regular drop-in story times in over a week, which is why there haven't been many blog posts, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I just sat down to count them up and realized I have read to seven different classes or groups in the last eight weekdays! I've been to the local rec. center and two elementary schools, and I've had three Catholic school classes and one after care group come to me. Every single one of the groups has been lovely, but since I repeated a lot of the same material, it would have been too redundant - not to mention time-consuming -  to post about each of the eight sessions individually. Therefore, I present my first Outreach Round-Up. Depending on how busy my outreach schedule becomes, this might be a regular feature from here on out.

Rec. Center Cooperative Play Program: Wednesday, 9/19

Catholic School Pre-K: Thursday, 9/20

Public School Pre-K: Monday, 9/24

Public School Kindergarten After Care: Thursday, 9/27 

Public School Pre-K: Friday, 9/28 

Catholic School First Grade: Friday, 9/28 

Catholic School Third Grade: Friday, 9/28
  • Book: Apples to Oregon
  • Notes: 100% perfect for this age group. The kids were engaged from beginning to end, and they laughed in all the right places. 


  1. I Love your blog! I came across it after a particularly rough day of storytimes and I was glad to see someone being so honest about their own experiences. Hearing about your good days and bad days was very reassuring. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoy it.
