
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baby Lap Time, 10/5 & 10/6

Attendance is really dwindling from week to the week, to the point that the parents are beginning to comment on it. I'm not sure if it's me, or if that's just the nature of families with babies. I also just feel really boring during these story times. I don't think anyone else feels that way, but it makes me feel awkward. I'm already noting the changes I want to make for next season! Hopefully, I'll get more comfortable with the smaller groups as I have more practice.

Opening Song: Clap Along With Me 

Rhyme: This is Big, Big, Big  

Rhyme: Where Oh Where Are Baby's Fingers? 

Song: Brown Squirrel 

Flannel Board Rhyme: Five Little Apples
This was great! A bunch of the babies really came out of their shells for this one and let us all know how much they love the flannel board with lots of kicks and shrieks! 

Song: Tony Chestnut (a cappella) 

Song: I'm a Little Teapot

Song: Bumpin' Up and Down in my Little Red Wagon (a cappella)

Shaker Egg Song: Shortnin' Bread

Book: What's On My Head? by Margaret Miller (1998)

Song: Mr. Sun (a cappella)

Song: ABCD Medley

Book: What Does Baby Say? by Begin Smart Books (2008) 

Goodbye Song: Open, Shut Them (Goodbye Version)

1 comment:

  1. How long are your baby times? Do you offer play time at the end? I find that 15-20 minutes of engagement with 10-15 minutes to play is a good mix for babies. Also, attendance during any series dwindled as time goes on (in my experience). This is why I always overbook registered programs. Your first one might be a bit too full, but it helps to assure the rest will be just full enough.
