
Friday, July 15, 2011

Flannel Friday: Knock, Knock!

I was shelving the 811s when the library was slow on the Saturday before the Fourth of July, and I came across Good For You! Toddler Rhymes for Toddler Times, a collection of poems for toddlers by Stephanie Calmenson. In that collection, there were two wonderful rhymes I immediately knew I wanted to adapt for the flannel board.

I'll post about the first one today, and, if I figure out how to adapt it, the second one next week.

This one is called Knock, Knock!

It begins like this:

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Grandma Jennie.

This verse repeats four more times, and remains the same except for the relative who comes through the door.  Grandpa Joe, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Moe, and Cousin Artie each join the group, and then the last verse goes like this:

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Pizza! Party!

This has so many possibilities, but my tentative plan for using this rhyme at Baby/Toddler Story Time is this:
  • Put a door on the flannel board. Make a knocking sound, and prompt parents and kids to say "Who's there?"
  • Bring out Grandma Jennie. (I'm using the family clip art from until I get around to either making or buying a set I like better.)
  • Repeat until all the relatives are on the flannel board, then put up a picture of a pizza.
  • Say goodbye to each relative one by one.
I am getting a little tired of the five little something-or-others routine,so this will make a nice new addition. I'm trying not to introduce a lot of new stuff again until the Fall, so I sort of have a backlog come September, but we'll see how it goes. If I get sick of sandcastles, popsicles, and farm animals, I might have to introduce this one a bit early!

This week's host for Flannel Friday is Andrea. Upcoming hosts and previous links can be found at Anne's blog, So Tomorrow.


  1. Nice idea. I'll have to look at this book. This flannel would go well alongside Hi Pizza Man.

  2. I love telling jokes in storytime....oftentimes it's Miss Mouse doing the jokes for me. But to do one as a flannel is a really nice idea. Thanks for this.

  3. Andrea - There are so many really cute rhymes in this book - I'm already trying to think of other ways to incorporate them into story time! Definitely find a copy - it's really well done.

    Sharon - You're welcome! Let me know how it goes if you use it.

  4. What a fantastic idea to use this book as inspiration for flannels! I can't wait to take another look at this book. And I love the idea of telling a knock knock joke using the flannel board. So much fun!
