
Saturday, January 11, 2014

More Content Coming to Story Time Secrets!

Three years ago, when I first began blogging, I had so much content it was too much for one blog. There were times at the height of my blogging frenzy that I was posting two reviews at Secrets and Sharing Soda and three story time posts here at Story Time Secrets in one day. In the past three years, though, I have gotten married, left my job, and started a family. I no longer perform story times regularly, so I don’t have many of those posts to offer, and though I’m still reading quite a lot, I’m not reviewing nearly as many books as I used to. To make things easier on myself, therefore, I’ve decided to consolidate everything back to just one blog. Because it has more subscribers, and because I prefer its name and layout, I will be moving everything here to Story Time Secrets.

What this will mean for my readers is an increase in content. In addition to story time ideas and posts about library service, you will now also see book reviews for all age levels and my weekly Old School Sunday posts, featuring kids' books published prior to the year 2000.

Thank you so much for your support of my blog over the past three years. I look forward to sharing more great posts with you in the months and years to come!